Application |
A document.
Go to Property Listing | Method Listing
activate, close, convertCoordinate, convertToLargeCanvas, exportFile, exportForScreens, exportPDFPreset, exportPerspectiveGridPreset, exportPrintPreset, exportSelectionAsAi, exportSelectionAsPNG, exportVariables, fitArtboardToSelectedArt, getPageItemFromUuid, getPerspectiveActivePlane, hidePerspectiveGrid, imageCapture, importCharacterStyles, importFile, importPDFPreset, importParagraphStyles, importPerspectiveGridPreset, importPrintPreset, importVariables, print, processGesture, rasterize, rearrangeArtboards, save, saveAs, saveToCloud, selectObjectsOnActiveArtboard, selectPerspectivePreset, setPerspectiveActivePlane, showPerspectiveGrid, windowCapture, writeAsLibrary
ArtStyles, Artboards, Assets, Boolean, Brushes, CharacterStyles, Color, CompoundPathItems, CropOptions, DataSet, DataSets, DocumentColorSpace, EmbeddedItems, File, Gradients, GraphItems, GridRepeatItems, GroupItems, Ink, Layer, Layers, LegacyTextItems, MeshItems, NonNativeItems, Number, PageItems, ParagraphStyles, PathItems, Patterns, PlacedItems, PluginItems, Point, RadialRepeatItems, RasterEffectOptions, RasterItems, RulerUnits, Spots, Stories, String, StrokeCap, StrokeJoin, SwatchGroups, Swatches, SymbolItems, Symbols, SymmetryRepeatItems, Tags, TextFrameItems, Variables, View, Views
Property |
Type |
Access |
Description |
read/write |
The XMP packet string associated with the document. |
read/write |
The active data set. |
read/write |
The active layer. |
readonly |
The document's current view. |
readonly |
All artboards in the document. |
readonly |
All assets in the document. |
readonly |
The brushes defined in this document. |
readonly |
The list of character styles in this document. |
readonly |
Path specification for the cloud document. |
readonly |
The name of the color profile of the document. |
readonly |
The compound path artwork in this collection. |
Rect |
read/write |
read/write |
readonly |
The data sets defined in this document. |
read/write |
Default fill color. |
read/write |
Will art beneath a filled object be overprinted by default? |
read/write |
Should a new path be filled? |
read/write |
Default type of line capping. |
read/write |
Default stroke color. |
read/write |
The default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started. |
read/write |
Default dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line) |
read/write |
Default type of joints. |
read/write |
Specifies whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off) by default. |
read/write |
Will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted by default? |
read/write |
Default width of stroke. |
read/write |
Should a new path be stroked? |
readonly |
The color space used for the document. |
readonly |
The embedded art items in this layer. |
readonly |
The file associated with the document. |
Rect |
readonly |
The bounds of the illustration excluding stroke width. |
readonly |
The gradients available in this document. |
readonly |
The graph art items in this document. |
readonly |
The graphic styles defined in this document. |
readonly |
The grid repeat items in this document. |
readonly |
The group items in this document. |
readonly |
readonly |
The list of inks in this document. |
readonly |
Is the document saved on cloud. |
readonly |
The Kinsoku set. |
readonly |
The layers in this document. |
readonly |
The text frame items in this story. |
readonly |
The mesh art items in this document. |
readonly |
The Mojikumi set. |
readonly |
The document's name. |
readonly |
The non-native art items in this document. |
readonly |
readonly |
All the artwork in this document. |
read/write |
readonly |
The list of paragraph styles in this document. |
readonly |
The object's container. |
readonly |
Path specification for the document. |
readonly |
The path artwork in this document. |
readonly |
The patterns available in this document. |
readonly |
The placed art items in this document. |
readonly |
The plugin art items in this document. |
readonly |
readonly |
The radial repeat items in this document. |
read/write |
The document raster effects settings. |
readonly |
The raster art items in this document. |
read/write |
readonly |
read/write |
Has the document been saved? |
readonly |
The scale factor of the document. |
Varies |
read/write |
The selection within the document. |
readonly |
readonly |
readonly |
The custom spot colors available in this document. |
readonly |
Is the file a stationery file? |
readonly |
The story items in this document. |
readonly |
The Swatch Groups in this document. |
readonly |
The swatches in this document. |
readonly |
The symbol items in this document. |
readonly |
The symbols defined in this document. |
readonly |
The symmetry repeat items in this document. |
readonly |
The tags in this document. |
readonly |
The text frame items in this document. |
readonly |
readonly |
The class name of the object. |
readonly |
readonly |
The variables defined in this document. |
read/write |
The locked variables. |
readonly |
The views in this document. |
Rect |
readonly |
The visible bounds of the illustration including stroke width. |
readonly |
undefined activate ()
Activate the first window associated with the document.
undefined close ([saving:SaveOptions])
Close the specified document(s)
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
saving |
Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing. |
Point convertCoordinate (coordinate:Point, source:CoordinateSystem, destination:CoordinateSystem)
Converts the coordinate system of a single point from one coordinate system to another.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
coordinate |
The Coordinate to convert. |
source |
The source coordinate system. |
destination |
The destination coordinate system. |
undefined convertToLargeCanvas ()
Convert the document to Large Canvas Document.
undefined exportFile (exportFile:File, exportFormat:ExportType, [options:Varies])
Export the specified document(s)
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
exportFile |
The file to export the document to. |
exportFormat |
The file type to export the document as. |
options |
Varies |
Options for the file type specified. |
undefined exportForScreens (exportFolder:File, exportFormat:ExportForScreensType, [options:Varies], [itemToExport:ExportForScreensItemToExport], [fileNamePrefix:String])
Export the specified document/asset(s)/artboard(s)
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
exportFolder |
The folder where the exported documents/assets/artboards are saved. |
exportFormat |
The file type in which the document is exported. |
options |
Varies |
Options for the file type specified. |
itemToExport |
What to export. |
fileNamePrefix |
String prepended to each file name. |
undefined exportPDFPreset (file:File)
Save all PDF presets to a file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file |
File to export to. |
undefined exportPerspectiveGridPreset (file:File)
Saves all perspective grid presets to a file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file |
File to export to. |
undefined exportPrintPreset (file:File)
Export the current print setting to the preset file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file |
File to export to. |
undefined exportSelectionAsAi (exportFile:File)
Export the selection as Ai file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
exportFile |
The file to export the selection to. |
undefined exportSelectionAsPNG (exportFile:File, [options:Varies])
Export the selection as PNG file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
exportFile |
The file to export the selection to. |
options |
Varies |
Options for the PNG24 export. |
undefined exportVariables (file:File)
Save datasets into an XML library. The datasets contain variables and their associated dynamic data.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file |
File spec to export to. |
Boolean fitArtboardToSelectedArt ([index:Int32])
Change the artboard to selected art bounds.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
index |
Int32 |
The index of the artboard to update. |
PageItem getPageItemFromUuid (uuid:String)
Retrieves the pageitem using Uuid.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
Uuid of pageitem. |
PerspectiveGridPlaneType getPerspectiveActivePlane ()
Gets the active plane of the active perspective grid of the document.
Boolean hidePerspectiveGrid ()
Hides the current active perspective grid for the document, if there is visible perspective grid.
undefined imageCapture (imageFile:File, [clipBounds:Rect], [options:ImageCaptureOptions])
Capture the artwork content inside the clip bound as raster image, and write out the captured image data into the target image file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
imageFile |
The file to which the captured image should be written. |
clipBounds |
Rect |
The rectangular region of the artwork for image capture. If the parameter is omitted, the entire artwork bound is captured. |
options |
Describes the image capture options. |
undefined importCharacterStyles (fileSpec:File)
Load the character styles from the Illustrator file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
fileSpec |
File spec to import from. |
undefined importFile (importFile:File, isLinked:Boolean, [libraryName:String], [itemName:String], [elementRef:String], [modifiedTime:Number], [creationTime:Number], [adobeStockId:String], [adobeStockLicense:String], [shouldLoadToPlaceGun:Boolean])
Import the file into current Ai document.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
importFile |
The file to import in the current document. |
isLinked |
Is AssetLiveLinked. |
libraryName |
For Internal Use. |
itemName |
For Internal Use. |
elementRef |
For Internal Use. |
modifiedTime |
For Internal Use. |
creationTime |
For Internal Use. |
adobeStockId |
For Internal Use. |
adobeStockLicense |
For Internal Use. |
shouldLoadToPlaceGun |
Whether or not to load the imported file to placegun. |
undefined importPDFPreset (fileSpec:File, [replacingPreset:Boolean=Boolean])
Load all PDF presets from a file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
fileSpec |
File to import from. |
replacingPreset |
Should existing editable presets be replaced? (default: false) |
undefined importParagraphStyles (fileSpec:File)
Load the paragraph styles from the Illustrator file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
fileSpec |
File spec to import from. |
undefined importPerspectiveGridPreset (fileSpec:File, [perspectivePreset:String=String])
Loads mentioned perspective grid preset, if preset name is specified, else loads all(if no preset name is specified) presets, from the specified file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
fileSpec |
File to import from. |
perspectivePreset |
Name of perspective grid preset. (default: ) |
undefined importPrintPreset (printPreset:String, fileSpec:File)
Apply the named print preset from the file to the current print setting.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
printPreset |
The name of a print preset to import. |
fileSpec |
File to import from. |
undefined importVariables (fileSpec:File)
Import a library containing datasets, variables and their associated dynamic data. Importing variables will overwrite existing variables and datasets.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
fileSpec |
File spec to import from. |
undefined print ([options:PrintOptions])
Print the document.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
options |
Print options. |
undefined processGesture (gesturePointsFile:String)
Process a gesture based on input points.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
gesturePointsFile |
File Path containing points constituting the gesture. |
PageItem rasterize (sourceArt:Varies, [clipBounds:Rect], [options:RasterizeOptions])
Rasterize the source art(s) within the specified clip bounds. The source art(s) are disposed as a result of the rasterization.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sourceArt |
Varies |
The page item(s) to be rasterized. |
clipBounds |
Rect |
The rectangular region of the artwork for the rasterization. If the parameter is omitted, the bounds of the source art(s) is used instead. |
options |
Describes the rasterization options. |
Boolean rearrangeArtboards ([artboardLayout:DocumentArtboardLayout=DocumentArtboardLayout], [artboardRowsOrCols:Int32=Int32], [artboardSpacing:Number=Number], [artboardMoveArtwork:Boolean=Boolean])
Rearrange Artboards in the document.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
artboardLayout |
Layout of artboards for rearrangement. (default: DocumentArtboardLayout.GridByRow) |
artboardRowsOrCols |
Int32 |
Number of rows (for rows layout) OR column(for column layouts)of artboards.Range is 1 to (docNumArtboards - 1) or 1 for single row or column layouts. (default: 1) |
artboardSpacing |
Spacing between artboards. (default: 20.0) |
artboardMoveArtwork |
Whether to move artwork with artboards. (default: true) |
undefined save ()
Save the document.
undefined saveAs (saveIn:File, [options:Varies])
Save the document with specific save options.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
saveIn |
The file to save the document in. |
options |
Varies |
Options for the file type specified. |
undefined saveToCloud (cloudPath:String)
Save the document to cloud at the specified path.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
cloudPath |
Path of the document to be saved on cloud. |
Boolean selectObjectsOnActiveArtboard ()
Select art objects in active artboard.
Boolean selectPerspectivePreset (perspectivePreset:String)
Selects a predefined preset to define grid for the current document.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
perspectivePreset |
Name of perspective grid preset. |
Boolean setPerspectiveActivePlane (perspectiveGridPlane:PerspectiveGridPlaneType)
Sets the active perspective plane for the active grid of the document.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
perspectiveGridPlane |
Type of perspective grid plane. |
Boolean showPerspectiveGrid ()
Shows the current active perspective grid for the document, if no active perspective grid then shows the default perspective grid for the document.
undefined windowCapture (imageFile:File, windowSize:Point)
Capture the current document window to the target TIFF image file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
imageFile |
The TIFF file to which the captured image should be written. |
windowSize |
The size to make the window before capture. |
undefined writeAsLibrary (file:File, libraryType:LibraryType)
Write the document to a file as a library of specified type.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file |
The file to write the library in. |
libraryType |
Type of library to write as. |