The Adobe Illustrator application.
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aATAddItem, aATClear, aATDuplicateItem, aATEditItem, aATErrorsExist, aATExecuteSession, aATExecuteSessionFromFile, aATFileRelativeChanged, aATFileSaveDialog, aATGetEditorDialogFile, aATGetErrorDialogFile, aATGetListOfRelativePaths, aATGetSession, aATLoadLibExtension, aATLoadModel, aATLoadSessionFile, aATLoadUIExtension, aATMoveItem, aATRemoveItem, aATReplaceItem, aATSaveAsSession, aATSaveSession, applyDataToItem, applySingleDataPointToItem, beep, beginSyncSettingsAutomationTest, beginTypekitFontAutomationTest, concatenateMatrix, concatenateRotationMatrix, concatenateScaleMatrix, concatenateTranslationMatrix, convertSampleColor, copy, cut, deleteWorkspace, doScript, dumpPGFFile, executeMenuCommand, getCCXUserJSONData, getExecutionOutput, getHelloJSONData, getIdentityMatrix, getIsFileOpen, getPPDFileInfo, getPresetFileOfType, getPresetSettings, getRotationMatrix, getScaleMatrix, getScriptableHelpGroup, getTranslationMatrix, getVersionString, invertMatrix, isEqualMatrix, isFillActive, isSingularMatrix, isStrokeActive, isTouchWorkspace, isUserSharingAppUsageData, launchExtension, loadAction, loadColorSettings, open, openCloudDocument, openCloudLibraryAssetForEditing, paste, quit, redo, redraw, reflectCSAW, resetWorkspace, runAPITest, saveWorkspace, selectTool, sendScriptMessage, setThumbnailOptionsForCloudLibrary, showColorPicker, showLearnPanelWithContent, showPresets, switchWorkspace, translatePlaceholderText, translateString, undo, unloadAction
Boolean, CoordinateSystem, Document, Documents, File, PPDFile, Preferences, Printer, String, TextFonts, UserInteractionLevel,
Property |
Type |
Access |
Description |
readonly |
The list of PDF preset names currently available for use. |
readonly |
The list of PPD files currently available for use. For performance reasons, the PPDFile entry only contains the model name and file spec of each PPD file. |
read/write |
The active document. |
readonly |
Is a web browser available? |
readonly |
The build number of the Adobe Illustrator application. |
readonly |
The list of color settings files currently available for use. |
read/write |
Coordinate System used by script. |
readonly |
The default color settings file for the current application locale. |
readonly |
The open documents. |
readonly |
The list of flattener style names currently available for use. |
Int32 |
readonly |
The amount of unused memory within the Adobe Illustrator partition. |
readonly |
True if home Screen is Visible. |
readonly |
The Locale of the Adobe Illustrator application. |
readonly |
The application's name. |
readonly |
The object's container. |
read/write |
Does paste operation remember layers structure? |
readonly |
Path specification for the application. |
readonly |
Preferences for Illustrator. |
readonly |
The list of print preset names currently available for use. |
readonly |
The list of installed printers. |
readonly |
The version of the Scripting plugin. |
Varies |
read/write |
The selection visible to the user. |
readonly |
The list of presets available for creating a new document. |
readonly |
Installed fonts. |
readonly |
The list of tracing preset names currently available for use. |
readonly |
The class name of the object. |
readonly |
The current users adobe id. |
readonly |
The current user's GUID. |
read/write |
What level of interaction with the user should be allowed when handling script commands. |
readonly |
The version of the Adobe Illustrator application. |
readonly |
Is the application visible. |
String aATAddItem (sessionIndex:Int32, destinationSequenceID:Int32, destinationIndex:Int32, srcItemIDData:String, type:String)
Add the specified to the sequencer.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the top-most sequence for the item to add. |
destinationSequenceID |
Int32 |
The UID for the owning sequence. |
destinationIndex |
Int32 |
The item UID where to insert. |
srcItemIDData |
The item ID of the item to construct. |
type |
The source of the item to construct. |
String aATClear ()
Clear the sequencer.
String aATDuplicateItem (sessionIndex:Int32, item:String)
Duplicates the specified item(s) from the sequencer.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the top-most sequence for the item to add. |
item |
The item UID(s) |
String aATEditItem (sessionIndex:Int32, item:String)
Opens the specified item from the sequencer in the item editor.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the top-most sequence for the item to add. |
item |
The item UID. |
Boolean aATErrorsExist ()
Retrieves a boolean indicating the presence of errors in the last script to execute.
undefined aATExecuteSession ()
Executes the active session in the sequencer.
undefined aATExecuteSessionFromFile (file:File)
Executes the active session in the sequencer.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file |
Execute a session file. |
String aATFileRelativeChanged (path:String, relative:String, newRelative:String)
Switches a files relative token and path.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
path |
The path relative to the folder specified by Relative. |
relative |
The current relative path token. |
newRelative |
The new relative path token. |
String aATFileSaveDialog (path:String, relative:String, type:String)
Prompts the user to save a file or choose a file or directory and returns a relative path string to the file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
path |
The path relative to the folder specified by Relative. |
relative |
The current relative path token. |
type |
The type of dialog to show in string format. |
File aATGetEditorDialogFile ()
Retrieves a file path to the AAT editor swf.
File aATGetErrorDialogFile ()
Retrieves a file path to the AAT error dialog swf.
String aATGetListOfRelativePaths ()
Gets an XML string listing the relative paths and the UI strings to display them.
String aATGetSession ()
Get the active session for the sequncer.
String aATLoadLibExtension ()
Loads a session file as an extension to the editor.
String aATLoadModel ()
Loads the aat model to the editor.
String aATLoadSessionFile ()
Loads a session into the sequencer.
String aATLoadUIExtension ()
Loads a UI description as an extension to the editor.
String aATMoveItem (sessionIndex:Int32, moveThisID:String, newSessionIndex:Int32, destinationSequenceID:String, destinationIndex:Int32)
Moves the specified in the sequencer.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the top-most sequence for the item to move. |
moveThisID |
The UID of the item to replace. |
newSessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the destination top-most sequence. |
destinationSequenceID |
The UID for the owning sequence. |
destinationIndex |
Int32 |
The index where to insert. |
String aATRemoveItem (sessionIndex:Int32, item:String)
Removes the specified item from the sequencer.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the top-most sequence for the item to add. |
item |
The item UID. |
String aATReplaceItem (sessionIndex:Int32, replaceThisID:Int32, srcItemIDData:String, type:String)
Replaces the specified to the sequencer.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the top-most sequence for the item to add. |
replaceThisID |
Int32 |
The UID of the item to replace. |
srcItemIDData |
The item ID of the item to construct. |
type |
The source of the item to construct. |
String aATSaveAsSession ()
Saves the active session in the sequencer to a new file.
String aATSaveSession ()
Saves the active session in the sequencer to a file.
String applyDataToItem (sessionIndex:Int32, item:String, data:String)
Applies the data used in the item editor to the item.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the top-most sequence for the item to edit. |
item |
The item UID. |
data |
The data to apply in XML format. |
Boolean applySingleDataPointToItem (sessionIndex:Int32, item:String, dataID:String, data:String)
Applies data to the specified item from the sequencer in the item editor.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sessionIndex |
Int32 |
The index in the session of the top-most sequence for the item to add. |
item |
The item UID. |
dataID |
The data to apply in XML format. |
data |
The data to apply in XML format. |
undefined beep ()
Boolean beginSyncSettingsAutomationTest ()
Starts the automation tests for the Sync Settings feature.
Boolean beginTypekitFontAutomationTest ()
Starts the automation tests for the Typekit Font feature.
Matrix concatenateMatrix (matrix:Matrix, secondMatrix:Matrix)
Concatenate two transformation matrices.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
matrix |
The matrix that is to be added to. |
secondMatrix |
Second transformation matrix. |
Matrix concatenateRotationMatrix (matrix:Matrix, angle:Number)
Concatenate a rotation matrix to a transformation matrix.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
matrix |
The matrix that is to be added to. |
angle |
Angle of rotation (in degrees) |
Matrix concatenateScaleMatrix (matrix:Matrix, [scaleX:Number=Number], [scaleY:Number=Number])
Concatenate a scale matrix to a transformation matrix.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
matrix |
The matrix that is to be added to. |
scaleX |
Horizontal scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%) (default: 100.0) |
scaleY |
Vertical scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%) (default: 100.0) |
Matrix concatenateTranslationMatrix (matrix:Matrix, [deltaX:Number=Number], [deltaY:Number=Number])
Concatenate a translation to a transformation matrix.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
matrix |
The matrix that is to be added to. |
deltaX |
Horizontal transformation. (default: 0.0) |
deltaY |
Vertical transformation. (default: 0.0) |
Number convertSampleColor (sourceColorSpace:ImageColorSpace, sourceColor:Array of Number, destColorSpace:ImageColorSpace, colorConvertPurpose:ColorConvertPurpose, [sourceHasAlpha:Boolean=Boolean], [destHasAlpha:Boolean=Boolean])
Converts a sample-component color from one color space to another.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
sourceColorSpace |
The source color space. |
sourceColor |
The color to convert, an array of color components. First location of the array should contain alpha if source-has-alpha is true. |
destColorSpace |
The destination color space. |
colorConvertPurpose |
The parameter which passes the purpose of conversion. |
sourceHasAlpha |
True if alpha channel is present in source color. (default: false) |
destHasAlpha |
True if alpha channel is present in destination color. (default: false) |
undefined copy ()
Copy current selection to the clipboard.
undefined cut ()
Cut current selection to the clipboard.
Boolean deleteWorkspace (workspaceName:String)
Deletes an existing workspace.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
workspaceName |
Workspace Name. |
undefined doScript (action:String, from:String, [dialogs:Boolean=Boolean])
Play an action from the Actions Palette.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
action |
The name of the action to play (note that the case of letters in the Action name is important and must match the case of the name in the Actions palette) |
from |
The name of the action set containing the action being played (note that the case of letters in the Action Set name is important and must match the case of the name in the Actions palette) |
dialogs |
Are dialog boxes associated with the action to be presented? (default: true) |
Boolean dumpPGFFile (file:File, [documentColorSpace:DocumentColorSpace], pGFFile:File)
Dump the PGF portion of ai file to txt file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file |
The AI file to be opened. |
documentColorSpace |
Choose color space only for documents saved with multiple color models (pre-Illustrator 9) |
pGFFile |
Folder to save the output PGF file. |
undefined executeMenuCommand (menuCommandString:String)
Executes a menu command using the menu shortcut string.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
menuCommandString |
Menu command shortcut. |
String getCCXUserJSONData ([mode:String=String])
Returns the JSON Data required by CCX Welcome.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
mode |
Mode for which the data is to be provided. (default: ) |
String getExecutionOutput ()
Retrieves a string containing the results of the last script to execute.
String getHelloJSONData ()
Returns the JSON Data required by Hello.
Matrix getIdentityMatrix ()
Returns an identity matrix.
Boolean getIsFileOpen (filePath:String)
Returns if the specified filePath is open.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
filePath |
The filePath to be checked. |
PPDFileInfo getPPDFileInfo (name:String)
Get detailed info from the specified PPD file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
name |
The model name of the PPD file. |
File getPresetFileOfType (presetType:DocumentPresetType)
Given a preset type, returns the full path to the application's default document profile for the type.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
presetType |
The preset type. |
DocumentPreset getPresetSettings (preset:String)
Given a preset name, tries and retrieves the settings from the preset template.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
preset |
The name of the preset. |
Matrix getRotationMatrix ([angle:Number=Number])
Returns a rotation transformation matrix.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
angle |
Angle of rotation (in degrees) (default: 0.0) |
Matrix getScaleMatrix ([scaleX:Number=Number], [scaleY:Number=Number])
Returns a scale transformation matrix.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
scaleX |
Horizontal scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%) (default: 100.0) |
scaleY |
Vertical scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%) (default: 100.0) |
Varies getScriptableHelpGroup ()
Get the scriptable help group object that represents the search widget in the app bar.
Matrix getTranslationMatrix ([deltaX:Number=Number], [deltaY:Number=Number])
Returns a translation matrix.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
deltaX |
Horizontal transformation. (default: 0.0) |
deltaY |
Vertical transformation. (default: 0.0) |
String getVersionString ()
Retrieves a string representing the AAT version.
Matrix invertMatrix (matrix:Matrix)
Invert a matrix.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
matrix |
The matrix to invert. |
Boolean isEqualMatrix (matrix:Matrix, secondMatrix:Matrix)
Compares two matrices for equality.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
matrix |
First transformation matrix to compare. |
secondMatrix |
Second transformation matrix. |
Boolean isFillActive ()
Checks if fill is active or not.
Boolean isSingularMatrix (matrix:Matrix)
Tests if a matrix is singular (cannot be inverted)
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
matrix |
The matrix to check. |
Boolean isStrokeActive ()
Checks if stroke is active or not.
Boolean isTouchWorkspace ()
Is In Touch Workspace.
Boolean isUserSharingAppUsageData ()
Is user sharing the application usage data.
Int32 launchExtension (extensionID:String)
Launch cep Extension given its ID.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
extensionID |
Arguments for Launching Extension - ID of extension in manifest.xml of corresponding extension. |
undefined loadAction (actionFilePath:File)
Load an action into action palette.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
actionFilePath |
The path on the system of the action file to be loaded. |
undefined loadColorSettings (fileSpec:File)
Load the color settings from the file. If the file is an empty file spec, the color management will be turned off.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
fileSpec |
File spec for the color settings. |
Document open (file:File, [documentColorSpace:DocumentColorSpace], [options:Varies])
Open the specified document file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file |
The file to be opened. |
documentColorSpace |
Choose color space only for documents saved with multiple color models (pre-Illustrator 9) |
options |
Varies |
Options for opening a particular type of file. |
Document openCloudDocument (cloudPath:String)
Open the specified cloud document.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
cloudPath |
Path of the document to be opened from cloud. |
Document openCloudLibraryAssetForEditing (assetURL:File, thumbnailURL:File, assetType:String, [options:Varies])
For Internal Use.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
assetURL |
For Internal use. |
thumbnailURL |
For Internal use. |
assetType |
For internal use. |
options |
Varies |
For internal use. |
undefined paste ()
Paste clipboard into the current document.
undefined quit ()
Quit the application.
undefined redo ()
Redo the last transaction.
undefined redraw ()
Force Illustrator to redraw its window(s)
undefined reflectCSAW (outputFolder:File)
Generate Creative Suite ActionScript Wrappers in specified directory.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
outputFolder |
Location for the output files. |
Boolean resetWorkspace ()
Resets the current workspace.
undefined runAPITest (testName:String)
Runs API Tests from the TestAPI Plug-in.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
testName |
Arguments for Running Tests - eg. Name of Test/Suite. |
Boolean saveWorkspace (workspaceName:String)
Saves a new workspace.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
workspaceName |
Workspace Name. |
Boolean selectTool (toolName:String)
Select tool using toolname.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
toolName |
Tool Name. |
String sendScriptMessage (pluginName:String, messageSelector:String, inputString:String)
Sends the script message to the required plugin.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
pluginName |
Plugin to which message needs to be sent. |
messageSelector |
Functionality that is to be executed. |
inputString |
Pass any data encoded in a string. |
undefined setThumbnailOptionsForCloudLibrary (options:Varies)
For Internal Use.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
options |
Varies |
Options for the PNG24 export. |
Color showColorPicker (color:Color)
Invokes application's color picker.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
color |
The color to load in the color picker initially. |
Boolean showLearnPanelWithContent (manifest:String, hTMLPage:String)
Display learn panel with specific content.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
manifest |
Path of the manifest. |
hTMLPage |
Url of the html file to be displayed on learn panel. |
String showPresets (fileSpec:File)
Get presets from the file.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
fileSpec |
File spec to import from. |
Boolean switchWorkspace (workspaceName:String)
Switches between workspaces.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
workspaceName |
Workspace Name. |
String translatePlaceholderText (text:String)
Translate the placeholder text to regular text. A method to enter unicode points in hex values.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
text |
The placeholder text to be translated. |
String translateString (key:String, source:String)
Returns a string translated from the key and source data passed in.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
key |
The string to translate. |
source |
The plugin name from the source of the key. |
undefined undo ()
Undo the last transaction.
undefined unloadAction (setName:String, actionName:String)
Unloads an action into action palette.