This is an alternative documentation for Adobe ExtendScript API and the InDesign Object Model. I don't like the representation in the Object Model Viewer provided by the Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit and hence used the HTML Version from Jongware on a daily basis. However these files are only up to InDesign CS6 and not searchable – so I started to convert them on my own. As intermediate format I choosed DITA which is transformed with XSLT from the original Adobe sources. The DITA results where rendered with the DITA OT included in oXygen XML Editor to this WebHelp. If you feel familiar with the structure and layout from Jongware files, this is not by chance, because I'm totally used to it.
Feel free to browse the documentation, download a copy for offline usage (Unfortunately the offline search function will not work in Chrome). The sources of the Transformation can be found on github.
The copyright of the original Files is by Adobe Systems Incorporated.
I'm happy about Feedback and Bug reports at Keep in mind that the documentation sources are written by Adobe and I can only correct transformation errors!
This project ist based on the fantastic ExtendScript API HTML from Theunis de Jong aka Jongware. Without his efforts and inspiration I would not have realized it. Thank You!