Properties of a paragraph.
Go to Property Listing
Property |
Type |
Access |
Description |
read/write |
Auto leading amount (in percentage) |
read/write |
Is BunriKinshi enabled? |
read/write |
The Burasagari type. |
read/write |
Composer engine attribute. |
read/write |
Desired glyph scaling expressed as a percentage. |
read/write |
Desired letter spacing expressed as a percentage. |
read/write |
Desired word spacing expressed as a percentage. |
read/write |
Whether to enable every line composer (as opposed to single line composer)? |
read/write |
First line left indent expressed in points. |
read/write |
Is hyphenation enabled for the capitalized words? |
read/write |
Is hyphenation enabled for the paragraph? |
Number (range 0 - 1) |
read/write |
Hyphenation preference scale for better spacing (0) or fewer hyphens (1) |
read/write |
Size of the hyphenation zone. |
read/write |
Paragraph justification. |
read/write |
The Kashida Width attribute. |
read/write |
The Kinsoku Shori name. |
read/write |
The preferred Kinsoku order. |
read/write |
Is KurikaeshiMojiShori enabled? |
read/write |
Auto leading type. |
read/write |
Left indent of margin expressed in points. |
Int32 |
read/write |
Maximum number of consecutive hypenated lines. |
read/write |
Maximum glyph scaling expressed as a percentage. |
read/write |
Maximum letter spacing expressed as a percentage. |
read/write |
Maximum word spacing expressed as a percentage. |
Int32 |
read/write |
Minimum number of characters after a hyphen. |
Int32 |
read/write |
Minimum number of characters before a hyphen. |
read/write |
Minimum glyph scaling expressed as a percentage. |
Int32 |
read/write |
Minimum hyphenated word size. |
read/write |
Minimum letter spacing expressed as a percentage. |
read/write |
Minimum word spacing expressed as a percentage. |
read/write |
The Mojikumi name. |
read/write |
Main writing direction attribute. |
readonly |
The object's container. |
read/write |
Right indent of margin expressed in points. |
read/write |
Is Roman hanging punctuation enabled? |
read/write |
Single word justification. |
read/write |
Spacing after paragraph in points. |
read/write |
Spacing before paragraph in points. |
Array of TabStopInfo |
read/write |
Tab stop settings. |
readonly |
The class name of the object. |